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Groundnut Cake For Animal Feed

Groundnut Meal: A Vital Protein Supplement for Livestock

Essential Protein Source for Animal Feed

Groundnut meal plays a crucial role in the nutrition of livestock, providing a rich source of protein for cattle, poultry, and fish. It is a highly effective protein supplement due to its high protein content and digestibility.

Types of Oil Cakes

In India, three types of oil cakes are available: ghani pressed, expeller, and solvent extracted. Ghani pressed and expeller cakes are obtained through mechanical methods, while solvent extracted cakes are processed using chemical solvents to remove excess oil.

Benefits for Livestock

Groundnut meal offers numerous benefits for livestock:

  • Enhanced growth and development
  • Improved feed efficiency
  • Increased milk production in dairy animals
  • Bolstered immune systems

Dietary Supplementation

To maximize the nutritional value of feed, it is recommended to supplement diets with groundnut meal alongside other feed components. For fish feed, it is suggested to add 0.45 kg of lime and magnesium per 100 kg of feed.

Production and Extraction

Groundnut meal is produced as a byproduct of groundnut oil extraction. After the oil is removed, the remaining meal is dried to reduce moisture content and ground into a fine powder for use as livestock feed.


